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Holy Cow! What a Word!

January 27, 2016

for JusJoJan – Prompt: Mendaciloquent


I love “big” words and usually archaic words give me a thrill. This word, mendaciloquent, out-shines most words. It is HUGE, not only in it’s 14 letters, but in it’s meaning as well: the ability to tell artful and skillful lies. Master liars.

When I see that word, I immediately think of politicians, big businesses, governments, and other nefarious types. But one does not have to be high up the chain of command to tell a skillful lie. One doesn’t even have to be wealthy. Con artists are very skilled at lying, regardless of their rank or wealth. I’ve known a few of these. They can tell you a lie so beautifully that you want to believe them, you must believe them. Then they break your heart in some way. Some are even so skilled, they can out-lie the best of liars and get away with it. You don’t have to be naive to fall for their game either. They are just that good.

I don’t like liars. I don’t like to be lied to either. I prefer honesty and truth. I wasn’t raised with life being sugar-coated for me and definitely never owned a pair of rose-colored glasses. I know it’s an ugly world out there and there are people just waiting to take all of us for a ride.

I’ve learned through trial and error how to spot even the best of liars. The first signs of dew-dripping, sweet and cozy language and I break contact. I also don’t get caught up in the “tell people what they want to hear” crap because the moment you turn your back, they will do the opposite. That’s another red flag. Some would call me cynical, but when you’ve been screwed a few times, you get the drill.


If you’d like to join in with the JusJoJan, see the rules here


  1. Soul Gifts permalink

    i know someone like that – mendaciloquent. How do you even pronounce it ?!

    • *laughs* I have no idea how to pronounce it, but it does look like a fun word, even if it means a very bad thing!

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