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#SoCS Sept 10/16 – Views

September 10, 2016

for Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Prompt: View


Sometimes I feel like an alien stranded on a foreign planet (something not so far from the truth – but that’s for another time).  I look around at the people I come into contact with and wonder, “Who the hell are these people?”  Where did all of this hate come from? Is it part of their DNA? Why are they so afraid of “others” who aren’t just like them? Why is diversity so scary to them? Why is helping others less fortunate so undesirable? This “me first” culture sickens my soul.

I don’t know where it all went wrong. Perhaps it has never been here on this planet. Did I dream it into existence as a child? A culture of giving and aiding, with no expectations. Perhaps my views are just too radical when they should be the norm. I know that like many, I was taught to “love thy neighbor” but that didn’t mean unless they are the same as you – or did it mean that all along? I don’t understand how a world that is so heavily religious can be so incredibly selfish.  Fear seems to drive even the most devout, and trust isn’t even on the radar.

I envision a world where everyone helps everyone else. Where if you have more than your neighbor, you share what you have.  Where an open society celebrates its differences as well as its samenesses. A world where people don’t have to barricade themselves behind walls to keep others out.  Where education , healthcare, and housing is free. Where everyone works to better their world and themselves. And those who cannot work aren’t locked away and forgotten, but given aid and comfort. Is this an impossible society? Unfortunately in a “me first” world, it is.

And so, I go on looking at this world through foreign eyes, longing  and wondering – am I the only one?

From → SoCS, Uncategorized

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  1. Bee Halton permalink


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