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A Solo Race – Flash Fiction

May 1, 2016

for Sunday Photo Fiction


A Solo Race

Sunny sat in the stands with her husband. She watched the cars zip by her in record speeds. She remembered when her marriage felt that way. The rush and excitement. The non-stop giddiness of love.

Sunny nearly missed the crash. She watched nervously as the cars skidded against the high walls. One flipped and caught on fire. She held her breath and closed her eyes. Her life felt like this of late. Skidding and crashing against stone walls. The flames of lies and deceit still lapped at her feet. She exhaled and opened her eyes. The driver was safe, but out of the race. Would she ever feel that safe again?

Sunny glanced over at her husband. When did the passion become extinguished? When did the thrill of love stop spinning her around? And then she followed his gaze. The blond in the stands bounced up and down. She remembered it all.

Sunny walked away. Down the aisle. Into the parking lot. She fished the keys from her purse, unlocked the car and got inside. She didn’t know where she was going. She could no longer compete. She didn’t want to compete. What she wanted, needed was a solo race.

©2016 Lori Carlson. All rights reserved.

(200 words)

  1. Good for her! Great story.

  2. Poor Sunny. At least she saw it when she still had the chance to get away.

  3. Great story. It seems the racing analogy and bad relationships works for great stories.

  4. A determined gal! Great piece! 🙂

  5. Great analogy! You’re right, yours is eerily similar to The Voice’s (I just read his and your comment!). I loved the line “The flames of lies and deceit still lapped at her feet.”

  6. Graham Lawrence permalink

    Fabulous tale. I love how you set the scene in the format paragraph. It all flowed smoothly from there on. Enjoyable read.

  7. Go, Sunny! Let Bouncy McBlonde drive him home. Oh, and don’t forget to stop by the bank before you leave. ~grin~ Good job, delineating years of change and emotional wear and tear in a scant 200 words.

  8. nice metaphors here – sad when a solo race seems preferable but she’s already alone.

  9. Guess there’s just something about auto racing that causes women to re-evaluate their lives…lol. Nice story, Lori. (That would make a nice blog name, I think: Lori’s Stories) 🙂

  10. Soul Gifts permalink

    Wise move on Sunny’s part.

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